Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New to this!!!

I am totally new to this whole blogging thing, but I figured it would be a good way to talk about things that are going on, things that are coming up, and just life in general. At times it may seem that I just ramble on about something not so important, but in the end, there is always a method to my madness, as they would say. LOL

Now, a little bit about me and my family!! David and I started dating the fall of 2007. I wasn't in the best of situations at the time, and he rescued me! I soon moved in with him a couple months later. He has taken my kids in as his own and loves them as a dad should. They couldn't be happier. Although I do have two other kids that do not live with me, but are happy where they are, he still loves them and cares for them as well. David and I have just celebrated our 2 full years of being together. It may not have been the best 2 years, but we have made it this far. And because of him, I have been more stable than I have in the past. We may not have the biggest house or the nicest of things, but we are happy and love each other! David had been married twice before he and I started dating. He has 2 other kids, 1 from each marriage, but that is his story. If he wants to share it, I will be happy to let him. Many of his friends had tried to talk him out of starting a relationship with me for the simple fact that none of them knew me!! He butted heads with them and decided to take matters into his own hands and go for it. I am very glad he did. He has a great job that allows him to take time off when he needs to and just make his own hours. There have been many times I just ask him to take the day off to spend with me and the kids. And we would just relax at the house and do nothing!! It was great. Last year, we signed common law marriage papers. Granted, it pretty much says that we are married, but I am still planning on having the wedding of my dreams! He really makes me happy and I couldn't ask for anything better!!

Our children, Sariah 5 and Denim 3, have grown up so much!!! We just celebrated Sariah's 5th birthday this past weekend. It's hard to get her parties together being as she is a New Year baby. But we work around it and she is happy either way. I can't believe that she is growing up this fast! Of course we didn't have a blown out party, but many of the people who love her were there!! She was happy. After she starts school, which will be this year, I am sure her parties will get much bigger! LOL As far as school goes, she is ready!!!! I am not quite ready for her to start, but I know at some point that I have to let her go and get out into the world. Granted, I know she's not packing up and moving out, but this is just the first step of her getting to that point! I am not quite sure I am really ready for this! Of course, she has a mind of her own at times, and we do butt heads alot too, she is a little princess and she knows it!! I really don't know what I would do without her. She's so funny!! After the Black Friday sales, I had bought a new vaccum. It has an adjustable handle on it. Well, when the handle is all the way in, it makes it just right for her to use it to clean her room!! She thought we bought it just for her. (I actually bought it because it was pink) But she helps me out alot just cleaning her room!! Oh how time flies!!

Denim has come a long way in his development. When David and I got together, he wasn't talking, barely crawling and very behind on many of his development skills. Once I moved in with David, he seemed to get better but was throwing major fits. He would throw himself down on the ground and bang his head like it was nothing!! When he looked back at me, he would have a huge knot on his forehead. I hated it!! I didn't know what to do. We started a program called ECI (Early Childhood Intervention). They helped Denim with his speech delay and his delay in motor skills. I had discussed with them the fits he had thrown and they started us with the behavorial therapist. It helped to a point. Doctors said it was just a stage for the terrible 2's. I thought different. But finally, after time, he stopped and he is doing much better. He is talking up a storm and just surprising me with things that he says nearly everyday!!!! It's like alot of people had told me, "He will do it when he is ready." Now we are slowly attempting to start on the potty training, but it's not going that well!! And I don't think he will be starting school this year. But it will give us some one on one time to work on things and maybe get a jump start to Pre-K for him in 2011.

David and I both are big on family time! We live extremely close to his mom and spend quite a bit of time with her. David also helps her out with the cows that she has. He treats them as if they were his pets. And even though my parents live just a little further away, we try to see them a couple times a month, depending on how things are going at home. Sometimes things can get pretty hectic around here! But we just go with the flow and do our best to get things dealt with!

But anyways, I have tons of laundry waiting for me to get it done!! I don't mind doing it, I just don't like the folding and putting it away! And then David cooked dinner on Sunday night and left a huge mess in my kitchen! So I get to clean that up too!!!

Have a great and wonderful day!!!

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